The Naked Truth About Nude Beaches

Nude Beaches

This is a mad world. It always has been. But these days the madness is mainlined into your brain by the internet, by social media, by 24-hour news channels and more. For evolutionary reasons, negative emotion has more of an impact on you than positive emotion does. In our times, children and teenagers and adults stare at their mobile devices for many hours a day. It’s difficult to assess the extent of the damage, but it does seem that depression and anxiety are on the rise. We hear of self-harm and eating disorders, we see angry exchanges on the web between those of different political persuasions, and there are all sorts of fissures in society.

The antidote to some of these maladies has long been: go outside. Which is good advice. A walk in the woods, getting among nature, has long been understood to be mentally beneficial, with good reason. But I’d suggest going a step or two further – go to a nude beach. I appreciate that in a country like Britain this option is limited by a) the weather, for most of the year b) the fact that there aren’t all that many nude beaches c) it’s not quite a ‘mainstream’ activity, like going down the pub.

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